Monday, May 31, 2010

Two weeks!!!!

Hey guys! It's my first post on my blog, hoorayyyy!!

Anyway, I am heading out in two weeks and my stomach is one big ball of nerves and excitement. I can't wait to see what God is going to do this summer! He has already done so much in my life and I look forward to being stretched more and more.
As most of you know, I was struggling with having faith that God would provide the money I needed to get to Slo. I have always known that God CAN provide I've just had a hard time believing that He WOULD provide. I have never been so challenged in my faith before this time. God has showed me what it means to walk in blind faith and to trust Him to guide me through each day. I know now that it's not about where I am; as long as I'm serving my savior and He gets the glory that's all that matters! It has already been an incredible journey and I haven't even left yet! God is so good!

Thank you all for your overwhelming love and support. I am so grateful to have all of you in my life! If you could please continue to pray for me would so appreciate it. Here are a few subjects you can pray for:
-That I will continue to fix my eyes on Jesus as I get more and more excited to go.
-That God would continue to provide financially as I purchase what I need for the trip.
-That my heart and the hearts of the other interns and students would be softened and prepared for God to work in mighty ways!

I love, love, love you all! God bless and thank you again!
